I sew in the unfinished part of the basement, in fact, there use to be heating oil barrels here 20+ years ago. We added cabinets for this room 10 years ago, I painted it the bright red color at midnight one weekend. I couldn't stand the color anymore and what better time to paint with little ones. As you can tell, I share my space with the plumbing, duct work and the furnace, they don't seem to mind. I don't mine either, I like a clean and tidy home but that doesn't pertain to my sewing room. On this side of the basement, I can be so very messy and thus so very creative, at least in my mind.
The view as you walk into my room. It is set-up in a "L" shape. I had to paint an old desk and add to my counterspace for my coverstitch machine.

My cutting table and under the cutting table. Plastic storage bins contain my purse making supplies. Pillow forms and fiberfill shoved here.
Dressform and fashion fabric, I have a couple other pieces on the floor but this is all the stash I have.
Quilting fabric, I just cleaned this cabinet up last Saturday.

My 12 year old daughter's sewing machine:
My Designer 1, bookshelves, and wall storage (I keep embroidery cards, future projects and some trim
You have such a large area to work in - I love it! It's so nice to see everyone's space the way it 'normally' looks... real work in progress!
ReplyDeleteI love the cabinets and the color of your countertop surface. (I also liked sneaking a peek at the books on your bookshelf.)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you about the mess. I think you have to have some place you can let your hair down.
What a great space for sewing! Nice and large. I'm hoping to move my sewing room to our unfinished lower level so that I can have more room. A bigger space would allow me to be messier when I sew. I think it helps me with the creative process! Thanks for sharing your sewing space!
ReplyDeleteOhhh! Another great space! Thanks for sharing! I will have to remember the counter top with the drawer under the machine combo when I am able to set up my next sewing room. That looks like it would be very handy!
ReplyDeleteHonestly that is all you have for stash!? Oh I am so ashamed at how grossly huge mine is. I have to get sewing & use some up!
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ReplyDeleteWow, what a great workspace! Mine is currently in our dining room so I have a very messy area right where guest can see. It is quite the pain to have to clean it up! One day...
ReplyDeletegreat space! but, seriously....is that really *all* of your stash? where are the rows of plastic bins filled with fabric? i can't imagine every getting my fabric stash down that small.
ReplyDeleteThat's a really nice space you have to work in. I don't know what to do with pillowforms or batting either. I just throw them in the closet!
ReplyDeletePillow forms and batting can go in the vaccum seal bags the ones you hsve the vaccumm suck the air out of for easy storage. then buy the 2.5 gallon ziploc bags for your projects to cut them and keep the pattern and do-dads allin on space -pickup the bag /pick up the project .
ReplyDeletecreate an excel preadsheet with tabs on the bottom for your patterns - just like th ebooks are st up. 1 tab for the categories and list the pattersn there then a tab for manufacturer then a tab like in the books a tab for category ie, bloues tab, achilren, coats/jackets etc.. and list the patterns there. did I lose anyone?
I swear by ziploc bags. from the snack size to the 2.5 gallon size all the doodads in one place. even if you throw them in a decorative basket you have a see through container that keeps it all together.
Xerox the front and back of your patterns on 114% and then the line drwing that comes with it (d/s ) the xreoning. so ds the front and back ok.. then ds the line drawing.. you can see seam lines that you may not have noticed before and ayou can color the drwaings for ideas. now place in a pagesaver and create a binder labeled as the tabs. you may even want a "favorites" binder. get the joanns inexpensive interfacing and fuse to your patterns for stability. . open the pattern , iorn it, then apply the webbing. cut witha rotary cutter ziploc it with one of the ds copies in the bag and another in the page saver.
Take the guts of your patterns and place a sticly to to top as a tab and writ the number on itV### = Vouge, M### = McCallslowercase b= Burda, uppercase B = Buttterick. put these away until you need to actually sew. Oh the color pattern enveplo can go in page saver.