Does the title have you wondering what the heck I am going to blog about? Well, I was bad at Joann's today and spent quite a bit of money.
My 40% of coupon went toward this.......

Thread cabinet with 100 colors. My Joann's had one and it quickly went into my cart. $149.99 less the 40%, makes it $89.99. Still a chunk of change but there are 100 spools of thread and I live 45 minutes from a place to buy thread. It never fails to be 10 pm and I don't have the color of thread I need. Are you following my rationalizing? Oh, I can replace the spool when it is empty and always have a full cabinet.
What else did I buy? Lots, I tell you......25.5 yards of fabric - my Joann's never has the greatest fabric selection but it did today - rayon knits, a wonderful white cotton shirting, some plaid coating. The twins each picked out some fabric from the clearance sections for shirts. One will cost $8.99 and the other $7.50.
The cheapest purchase - a $2.99 catalog called "Fall Fusion" Featuring patterns by Simplicity. Wow, this is great. I couldn't find it online but took a few pictures. The back cover has 6 - 50% off coupons - 4 for fabric, 1 for notions and 1 for a dress form. The sewn garments are from fabric available at Joann's. Love this quote from the magazine "Sewing is for the modern woman..... one who wants to showcase her talents as well as her individuality."
Hope you can find this at your Joann's. BTW, each picture notes the pattern number, the fabric type and the SKU for that fabric.

I did cut out a New Look blouse (oh, yes, I bought 2 more NL patterns today, too) and now I am off to prewash fabric!
Oh Lori I'm totally jealous! I've wanted one of those Gütermann thread racks for eons. While I only live 10mins from fabric stores I still manage to run out or need a particular colour of thread at 10pm when the stores are closed. I not only totally follow your rationalisation I'm sitting here cheering. :) Great purchase and well worth it!
ReplyDeleteThe Joann/Simplicity magazine looks great too. You had one fun day! Nothing bad about it. :)
i came very close to buying one of those cabinets recently. it is my goal to have a spool of every (almost) color of gutermann. i do not live close to a fabric store and hate to not have the right color thread. i passed on the cabinet because it had a lot of colors i already have and i have no room for the actual cabinet. instead, every time thread is 1/2 off, i pick up a few spools. my collection is slowly growing.
ReplyDeletethe catalog looks great. might have to stop by joann's when i am out today. $2.99 is quite a bargain for inspiration. the coupons don't hurt either. :)
25.5 yards, huh? we expect to see more fabulous garments really, really soon. :)
ooo - I didn't see that cabinet at my JoAnn's or I would have bought it also! Good deal! Mine did have the little box of 24 spools for $29.99 so I used my 40% off for it!
ReplyDeleteNow I'll "have" to go back and look for the magazine!
WOW! I love that thread cabinet, I'm so jealous!
ReplyDeleteI saw the Joann magazine on my last trip there, but didn't pick it up. I may have to make a run to the store and buy one. THANKS!
I took a trip to my local fabric depot yesterday and stocked up. The little one's b'day is coming up and she must have a themed dress to match her party!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your creations. You are a tremendous inspiration to me!
I think you were GOOD not bad. That Gutermann thread rack was a great deal. I was in my JoAnn's yesterday and each spool costs $1.89-$2.89. So you got a great deal.
ReplyDeleteI've admired that magazine, too.