Friday, August 29, 2008

Two Views

No, not sewing but I was looking at some old pictures. Found the one of my house so I went out yesterday for another picture to compare. Check out how my flowers have grown.

July 9, 2008

August 28. 2008. A perfect day for a photograph, it was overcast and no bright sunlight as in the first one.

The zinnias (in the middle) were planted from seed and have outgrown the garden phlox.

Bride-to-be is on the way home so wedding plans will be in full swing in an hour or so!


  1. What a beautiful house>! You're so lucky and so good gardener!, lol...

  2. Looks great! Your house would go for astronomical prices in my area.

  3. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Your house looks fabulous! Love the garden. I would kill for that porch - do you sit out there and knit? g

  4. 2009? did i miss a year and no one told me? :) (check the dates on your photos)

    the flowers are beautiful. i think dd needs to get married in your garden.

  5. Your flowers are beautiful as is your home.

  6. From when Feeblitz picked this up, I see you fixed the date on the first photo... but... the second one is still 2009... so I assume you're living in a galaxy far far away...

  7. Beautiful! I love your house, too. I've always wanted a wraparound deck.

  8. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Your gardens (and house) are beautiful! I sure do miss the north especially this time of year!

  9. Beautiful home and the wraparound porch is to 2df.

  10. You have a lovely home!
