Monday, June 01, 2009

19 Days and Counting

Sewing? A little bit, working on a knit shirt but mainly working on wedding stuff.

Tulle Bows for the church pews. 30 finished....15 to go, maybe more, I went rotary cutting crazy and cut lots of tulle!!
Curly Willow:

is going to be used in the arrangements for the reception tables (which we are doing). A kind soul pruned their curly willow tree and gave us 3 bundles. Tonight I stripped the leaves and cut lengths of the curly willow.

The bride-to-be just called... help me pick the father-daughter dance song. One brought tears to my eyes right away, the other a smile to my face. I picked the smile song!


  1. Beautiful bow. Brings back memories. My oldest DD married 11 years and 2 days ago!! We used lots of tulle bows for her wedding too. I love the willow branches. So pretty and airy. There isn't a daddy-daughter dance song that won't make you cry at a wedding I've decided. All three of our girls chose sweet songs.

  2. 19 days! Where did the time go? All the best! I hope everything goes smoothly. I'm sending calming thoughts your way for a stress free build-up to the big day. :) Don't forget to charge the camera batteries. I expect LOTS of photos. :)

  3. Wow..time is flying by!

    I just know it's going to be wonderful !

  4. You will proably need to go on your own honeymoon when this is over! It look like you have a beautiful spot for a weddingm, and it's something none of you will ever forget. Making memories. Much luck to you and your family.

  5. I was cutting tissue paper for something Megan is making for the wedding Saturday. My first daughter danced to "Butterfly kisses" with her Dad. He was a basketcase. Wasn't a dry eye in the house. I don't even know what song Megan is going to use. Guess I'll find out Saturday. Good luck with your daughters wedding.

  6. I'd pick the happy song too. I'm such a mess now when I hear a sappy song on the radio, I have no idea how I'll ever keep it together on the days my children get married! It's true, having a baby changes everything - in a good way of course, but still you're never the same are you? Happy bow making! :-)

  7. Omigosh, I can't even read this post without getting all teary-eyed! Can you believe you have a daughter getting married?! Hang in there...

  8. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hope you plan on planting that willow after. My own daughter who got married a year ago had that on her tables too. We have some small trees to remember it by! Daughter #2's wedding this Friday. Thank God I only have 2....LOL.

    - umjudis

    P.S. Hope you have lots of fun too!

  9. The wedding will be here before you know it! I hope you'll post some wedding pictures later. Congratulations!

  10. Wow, I can't beleive its almost here! I'm sure the decorations will be just will your daughter. :)

  11. Since my daughter is getting married in August, I'm curious to know which song brought a smile? The song I picked out was the teary kind, but it said everything my husband feels for his daughter...
    Best wishes to the bride and groom AND families!

  12. Lori, my niece married Memorial Day weekend in Orlando, FL. My niece chose "My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw from the movie "Flicker". Her dad had a hard time holding it together. I wasn't able to go to the wedding (health issues) but my DH & DD spent 5 days/4 nights in Orlando while I kept the home fires burning. The willows will be lovely table decorations & those bows are beautiful. You can check out my facebook page for some albums of my niece's wedding.
