Friday, December 17, 2010

Baking and Christmas Music

Those two just go together in my house, probably makes my girls crazy, but oh, well.

Several cookies and candies were made here the last couple of days.  Once they are cool, I package them and put them in the freezer, saves me many calories!

This year we only used three cookie cutters for sugar cookies - a santa hat, sleigh and snowflake.  It made it so much simpler to decorate, two icing colors and three bags for decorating.  We baked the cookies last night and I decorated them this morning  before work.

Over at eighteen25 blog, they posted several recipes and I just finished making the pretzel hugs,  such a festive holiday candy.

Now back to wrapping, there are only 8 days left and we start with our first Christmas celebration tomorrow!


  1. Yummy! I must make cookies with my boys tomorrow. We had such a blast decorating a gingerbread house last week.

  2. Your cookies look absolutely delicious and the decorations look fun, very festive!

  3. Oh they are so pretty!

  4. Thanks for mentioning those pretzel hugs. We've made bunches of them today for my coworkers and our neighbors - easy, cute, and yummmmmy!

  5. Such pretty sugar cookies! We have been listening to Christmas music since Thanksgiving, but when I bake I like to listen to Doris Day sing sappy love songs from the 50's. Crazy, yeah, but I can't bake without Doris.

  6. Another thanks for the pretzel hugs link. I made 200 of them to bring to Marines, along with about 500 other cookies and some Christmas candies. They will all get a sugar buzz for Christmas. lol

    Merry Christmas Lori!
