Monday, November 04, 2013

Vogue 8925

I purchased from Mood Fabrics' this Thakoon Coral Cotton Sweatshirt fabric

but then was on hold looking for a pattern.  I had some thoughts on the pattern, comfy was first but yet stylish.  With the holidays coming up, I wanted a top that I could wear around the house on the weekends but when I needed a quick run to town, it looked good.   I always need something  - tape, lights, more ribbon, something to make cookies.  This Thakoon fabric is so nice and I knew it would be a vast improvement over all my paint-smeared sweatshirts.

I went with Vogue 8925

After putting together to the top, it was very big and the armsyce were so low.  I did so much unsewing and totally reworked the garment.

It is better but the armsyce are still a bit low and hanging a bit odd but I am good with that, hoping a trip through the laundry will help that.

You will notice on my right side, the princess seam is a bit puckered, I hit the differential on my serger and it sewed more gathered, oops didn't notice until I was done

It is my jeans' waistband and button sticking out - I swear!!!

I really don't think I will sew this pattern again, I had to recut the neckline to get it to match the top and I am not thrilled with the fit and look of the top.  

But I do love the fabric and the color and it will serve the purpose of a comfy weekend top that will work for a trip to town if needed.

Here is the neckline

One more picture with my trusty side-kick looking on.


  1. The fabric is a gorgeous color - sorry about the fit of the pattern. I've had my eye on this and a cream sweatshirt fabric at Mood, and definitely think I'll take the plunge on the coral now that I've seen yours.

    1. Thanks, Amanda, it is great fabric, beautiful color.

  2. Beautiful fabric, Lori! Your sweatshirt is a step up from many on the market and I hope you enjoy it this season.

    1. Thank you, it will be nice to have this when the days get cold and dreary.

  3. Love the color!

  4. This is a really pretty color on you. I like your 'friend'!
    P.S. Love your shoes!!!

    1. Thanks Lisa, I do like that color on me. The shoes are Sperry's and I love them!

  5. Anonymous1:52 PM

    We always pick the same fabrics!!!! Hahahaha! Great minds think alike?! :) I haven't sewn mine up yet though, but I love the way your final version turned out, even if it does sound like a long road to get there.

    1. That is so funny, Amy, we have such good taste. Lauren has some, too.

  6. Cute top and cute dog! Great combo ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    1. Thanks, he is a great companion.

  7. Gorgeous color. Too bad you didn't care for the pattern, but thanks for telling its short commings.

    1. I do like the color and it looked so good on the Vogue website, it just drew me in!

  8. I do like it Lori.

  9. Cute to, even tho it didn't meet expectations :-(. You made it work, tho, and I'm sure you'll end up wearing it more than you expect.

    1. Thanks, Patty, I think you are right I will wear it quite a bit.

  10. Lori, the top looks quite nice on you. I love the color - I've been eyeing that fabric myself! It looks lighter in your pictures than the mood website pics, I think.

    1. Thanks, Andrea, it is a gorgeous color and the color is closest to my last picture.

  11. Lori - this made up into a great top! But what is it with The Big 4 and low armscycs and skinny sleeves. Will you make it again?

    1. Carolyn, I don't what it is about the design of the Big 4. I did narrow these sleeves and probably did a bit too much. I might make it again in a fabric with a bit more stretch.
