Saturday, January 03, 2015

Top 5 of 2014 - Hits + Misses

Well, we are into 2015 and I am just getting around to a 2014 recap.

I am going to use Gillian's format

Let's start with hits.....

1. Houndstooth Dress
I am not a big dress wearer but I love this one. A great  combination  of fabric and pattern.

2. Pop over blouse

I love, love this top. A good friend told me it is one  of the favorite garment I have made.  I need to make more

3. Navy and gold and Black and White

I have to  include both as they are great pants. I have worn the black ones quite a bit the gold ones not so much but I do like them.

4.Red Top

A very favorite top!
5. Navy for Summer

A  classic  look.

Misses.....and my description  will be short and sweet
1. Sweater jacket

Fuzzy Suzy was a bear!
2.  Staple Dress
Too short and strange  neckline. I have cut it off to a top. Like it much better under a cardigan.
3. Floral top
Great great great grandma fabric

4. Red Top

I am a box

5. Hi lo top

Over  the hemline and not flattering shape.

Reflections and goals
  • Started Friday Fashion Inspiration
  • I like a great number of my garments which  really pleases me
  • Limit my purchases of prints ....solids and plaids are my friend 
  • I did make several quilts, I do like making  them but garments I like so much better. I just need to get my quilting cotton under control. I went crazy this summer.... oops
  • I am going to continue to concentrate  on making garments that fit into my casual work and play lifetsyle.


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That popover top! It's one of my favorites, too! Your trousers are great, too. Here's to a fabulous 2015!

  2. Love seeing your makes and your Friday Inspirational posts too.

  3. It is important to make things that fit your lifestyle. And you do that well. A good year for you.

  4. Great review! But your last point about sewing for your lifestyle is the most important one to me! Can't wait to see what comes out of your sewing machine in 2015!

  5. I totally agree with most of your comments. And, I am finding that I like to see others make beautiful dresses, etc., but they just don't fit my lifestyle. I am sticking to casual, comfortable, but stylish. I want to make clothes I enjoy wearing. Happy 2015.

  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I love those black and white pants! You've inspired me to make some.

  7. Ditto on making clothes that fit your lifestyle. I retired 2 years ago and need to stop sewing business jackets that I don't wear! Enjoy your blog.


  8. Gosh, I like all of the your misses as well as the hits! Love the photography too. Your farm is picture perfect.

  9. Your popover top is a great look. I also like your Archer blouses when you make them - that's on my 2015 list. I have a dress in my closet I made and never worn just not happy with it, I am going to cut it to a tunic or top length I believe I will get more wear out of it that way. You achieved many goals this year - Happy New Year and looking forward to your sewing projects for 2015

  10. Lori, your garments are always such an inspiration ! I know I've asked before , but when do you sleep ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
    Sewing for your lifestyle is such great advice. I tend to gather patters. & fabric for things I won't wear on a regular basis . A good suggestion I intend to work on !
