Monday, January 02, 2017

Looking Back 2016

I have so enjoyed the recap posts of 2016, so I thought I would join in.  And I will start with my favorite of all the tops, McCall's 7284
In total I made 57 garments, 10 gifts items and 18 quilts (baby size to queen size).  Making the total 85 sewn items.
Let's look at some of my favorite tops
Now I just made 3 skirts and I really like all of them

Dresses - Stripe Knit Butterick 6207
Maxi Dress - Butterick 6330

2016 was the year of the jackets for me I made several and in this category I included cardigans  and kimonos but the majority of jackets were lined blazer type jackets.

It really is hard to pick a favorite here, I love all of them!

I also made a couple pair of jeans, including the Birkin Flare, which I love!

Finally sewing for others, which really should just be Kaitlyn, I made her several new garments.

I did not link each project but will work on getting my gallery up to date in the next couple of weeks and you can just click there to see a photo and link to each garment I have made.

I think it was good sewing year considering it was a year of a long remodel project and I started a new job in May, which is a longer commute and more hours.  

I did make 2 garments at the end of 2016, which will be blogged and counted or 2017, so I think it is already a great start.

Thank you for all the comments and feedback you provide on my blog and on my Instagram, I deeply appreciate it.

Happy New Year and Happy Sewing in 2017

click map Pinterest Bloglovin Instagram Twitter Feedly Email Lori


  1. You are so productive AND you have a job - impressive! Karen

    1. Thanks, I do love to sew and with this new room, it is even better!

  2. A very productive year for you! Best wishes for 2017.

    1. Thanks, Vicki, it is fun to look back and see what you made and what of that you wear!

  3. You are an inspiration, Lori! My favorite?: the Moto jacket :-). Happy new Year!

    1. Thanks, Patty, I love the moto jacket but I have not worn it yet!

  4. Wow, and I was impressed that I made 9 quilts this year. What an amazing list. Way to go.

    1. Thanks, Beth, I was determined to use up some of my quilting fabric.

  5. What a fantastic year for sewing! Thanks for sharing your beautiful projects.

    1. Thanks, Ann, it has been a good year and now to see what 2017 brings.

  6. Wow! That's quite a list! Beautiful work, Lori. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!

  7. You had a wonderful sewing year Lori!

    1. Thanks, Faye, it has been a good year.

  8. So many fabulous and inspiring projects! I love the things you made this year. I totally want to copy that velvet bomber jacket !

    1. Thanks Justine, the velvet bomber is a favorite.

  9. Sew many wonderful items !!!! I follow your blog , it it was nice to see them all in one place ! Great productive year ! Happy New Year Lori

    1. You are also such a great inspiration!!๐Ÿ˜

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What a productive year: forget the clothing: how many quilts?! I loved lots of your tops and all of your jackets. Look forward to seeing what you make this year.

    1. Thanks, it was a good year. I have a few more quilts that I didn't get photographed and they will count for 2017

  11. Wow, not only are you productive, but you sew such quality things! I love everything that you make, including quilts. I haven't read my favorite blogs in a while, yours being one of them, it's going to be fun to catch up on all that I have missed. Thanks for being an inspiration!

    1. Thank you Levone, sometimes it is hard to keep up with the blogs and all other social media.

  12. Happy New Year and I look forward to seeing what you make in 2017!

    1. Thanks, Beth, me too, I always seem to have a theme. I do want to make another winter coat, I have saved many notes from your incredible posts.

  13. You had a fabulous 2016 sewing year! My favorite is your floral Simplicity 1167 blazer. Wishing you a happy 2017 sewing year.

  14. Wow!!! I'm really impressed Lori! I knew you had sewn a lot but I didn't know it was this much! You have sewn a really beautiful and diverse wardrobe. Love your blog and look forward to seeing what you sew next year!

  15. Lori you are always a sewing inspiration! So enjoyed looking at all your pictures in this post.
