Wednesday, May 10, 2017

h Wardrobe Book

About a month ago I received an email from Valeria Speck, asking if I would review her new ebook, h Wardrobe

I took a look at the information on line and found it interesting.

Valeria's book is based on our body, she states "The central piece of your wardrobe
must be your body."   After reading the book, I take that as  know your body and its curves to get the best wardrobe for you.

Let's face it body image is so much and the person in the mirror we see might not be in reality what is our real body shape and type.    I read through h Wardrobe and then got out the tape measure and went to work step-by-step through Valeria's book.  I did print out the e-book, it was easier for me to follow with the measuring.

After all the measuring, you sketch out your body per all the measurements
Valeria's image

All you need is a tape measure in centimeters, which is used in this book.  I found the metric system very easy to work with, especially as Valeria has you divide your numbers a couple of times.  Let's face it dividing 173 cm is much easier than dividing 5' 8"!  In addition to the tape measure, paper, pencil, ruler and a pen.

Let me tell you, stick people are hard for me to draw but with the Valeria's complete and thorough instructions, I have a croquis which looks very much like me.  I have always known I have both long legs and a long torso. Now seeing this on paper, really shows me I have a long torso but much of the length is waist to hips.

After you have your initial sketch, make copies and Valeria has you sketch on these possible garment combinations - think length, etc.  My plan is to take my croquis every time before I make a garment and sketch the line drawing on my croquis.  I think this will be very eye opening and help me visualize if a garment will really look good on me and my body type

For more information, go this post on hWardrobe and take a look at this post with sewing plans and some of Valeria's great sketches.

If interested in purchasing this ebook, head over to hWardrobe  - Designing your Handmade Wardrobe

Disclosure - I was given this ebook by Valeria to review on my blog, the opinions are all mine

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  1. She has a nice presentation but it needs work; her link to buy takes you directly to PayPal, without letting you know up front what the price is. That put me off and the ad copy of the pros and cons was a bit amateur.
    Theresa in Tucson
    Theresa in Tucson

  2. Interesting concept. When I regain time to sew do myself again, I can see this being helpful.

  3. I agree with Theresa. There is no mention of price up front. For this reason, I'm uncomfortable with thinking about this e book.

    1. You are right, needs to be a price, since I was given the book, I had no knowledge of that. Thanks for bringing a very valid point to the attention of Valeria

  4. The book looks interesting and i've got it noted for when I am financial again ( was made redundant in February ๐Ÿ™) Had no trouble with finding/seeing the pricing and converting to AUD.

  5. can't get the website to launch to view

  6. Valeria Speck's ebook, "h Wardrobe," offers a personalized approach to wardrobe design, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's body shape. The ebook provides a step-by-step process for measuring and sketching, allowing readers to visualize their body and plan garment combinations. The comprehensive instructions, sewing plans, and sketches make it a valuable resource for those looking to align their style with their unique body shape. estate lawyer near me virginia

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