Tuesday, November 07, 2017

McCall's 7429

McCall's 7429 in jersey knit from Style Maker Fabrics

The wedding is over, last daughter of four is married and it was so beautiful.  I promise pictures soon!
I took last week to catch up on the house and get ready for a baby shower at my house this past Sunday for 50 people!!!

Today I had time to take some blog photos.  My dress for the rehearsal and I made at the last minute.

McCall's 7429 is the pattern and the fabric is this beautiful jersey knit - from Style Maker Fabrics

McCall's 7429 in jersey knit from Style Maker Fabrics - twist details

Now this pattern is quick and easy except for the front twist and let me tell you, I struggled with this!  I remembered Brittany J Jones had a tutorial by the way of her  You Tube Channel and that made all the difference.

I was able to finish this dress a few nights before the rehearsal.  Now Meredith's wedding was outdoors for the ceremony and indoors for the reception. The temperature went down for this big day but we made the best of it and Meredith had the wedding of her dreams.  Temperatures were in the low 40's but we added a hot chocolate and coffee bar to the wedding ceremony and that was a big hit.

We did have the rehearsal in our family room, mostly due to having it at 5:30 on Friday evening.  I wore a moto jacket with my dress and tights, it was a great outfit and one I will love to wear on many more occasions.

McCall's 7429 in jersey knit from Style Maker Fabrics

I was being brave as it was cold out today and that called for a few photos inside

This might be the spot for winter photos!
McCall's 7429 in jersey knit from Style Maker Fabrics

McCall's 7429 in jersey knit from Style Maker Fabrics

So if you need a great holiday dress, try out this dress pattern.  Long sleeves are on option for the cooler/colder weather. 

Just wanted to share this photo of the view today, fall colors are always so pretty.

Now for the best photo with the bride - this was the indoor rehearsal!

McCall's 7429 in jersey knit from Style Maker Fabrics

So what are you fall/winter sewing plans?


  1. Congratulations to your daughter and to your family! Have I been reading your stuff for so long that I remember her being in high school?! Wow. Time does fly. I love the twist on your dress--it sits just so pretty!

  2. Congratulations on the marriage of your pretty baby girl! I can't believe you hosted a huge baby shower right after the wedding. Your energy is endless! Love this dress. Karen

  3. Love this dress - great fit & fabric . Congrats on your daughters wedding -I agree with another comment on your endless energy ! I need ypur secrets ๐Ÿ˜œ

  4. Pretty dress! It's hard to believe all your girls are off on their own now. We've been "sewing" together for a long time in cyber land. Can't wait to see pictures!

  5. Beautiful dress! You can certainly tell that lovely young woman in the white dress is YOUR daughter! The colour of your dress suits you SO well you should make more in this colourway :)

  6. Your dress is definitely a WOW Lori!

  7. Beautiful dress and what a happy event! Congratulations to the bride and best wishes!

  8. What a great dress! The twist gives it an interesting detail. So glad you are getting some rest after all the celebrating!!
    Sweet picture of you and your daughter!

  9. Lovely pic of Mom with the glowing bride!

  10. Congratulations! Your dress looks great!

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